The long and short about Why I Feel Like Strangling My Boss At Times
I’ve noticed a very disturbing pattern. When I blogged about Sushi Eating Friend, you guys tried persuading me to go after her. When I blogged about Adrenaline, you guys were convinced that we can be an item, even though she is getting married this coming December. Then I blogged about Nerd, and you guys suggested we go ‘broke-back’ together.
I am thus very worried because today, I am going to blog about my Boss.
Now I have to state here that I respect my Boss a lot. He is making big money despite having only a PSLE cert, and although vulgar, has proved on many situations that he can be a very caring and generous boss. What I can’t stand however, is that he loves to ask very, very intellectually challenging questions at times. Here are a few samples:
Situation #01:
When his handphone started ringing in the middle of our meeting:
Intellectually Challenging Question #01:
“Why is my handphone ringing?” In a very angry, accusing tone directed at me.
Situation #02:
When I called him regarding a very urgent business situation:
Intellectually Challenging Question #02:
“Why did you call me while I’m peeing?” In a very angry, accusing tone directed at me.
Situation #03:
When he came in late for work the other day:
Intellectually Challenging Question #03:
“Why did my car break down?” In a very angry, accusing tone directed at me.
Situation #04:
When he read on the papers that oil prices climbed again :
Intellectually Challenging Question #04:
“Why did the oil prices climbed again?” In a very angry, accusing tone directed at me.
I think my Boss don’t really like me very much.
With Love,
Sibeh Sian
At Monday, July 17, 2006 1:08:00 AM,
OLLie said…
For question No. 2, tell him 'cause you wish to listen to the trinkles of his pee that reminds you of waterfall to sooth your mind such that you can handle the urgent business situation with professionalism and flair.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 1:17:00 AM,
Sunflower said…
Sian you know why we encourage you to after SEF. And we find you and Adrenaline can be an item, even though she is getting married this coming December. And Nerd, we go ‘broke-back’ together.
因为你在导, 我们在帮你演吗!
As for your boss ma... hmmm I think he really dont like you lor, cos you always disturb him at the wrong time!
At Monday, July 17, 2006 1:27:00 AM,
The Rational Neurotic said…
You ah, you buay zi dong one. He always point his questions towards you because he think you is some great guru of knowledge that choose to da zhuo at his company instead of high mountain. You is asset! Or else why everything also ask you?
At Monday, July 17, 2006 5:45:00 AM,
eileen` said…
i'm sorry to tell you this sian, but there might be a possibility that you have a "kiam pak bin", that's why he unloads everything negative on you.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 9:10:00 AM,
LemonCloud said…
Aiya, I think he felt that he will look stuoid if he talk to himeslf so he just look at you.
I doubt if he expect you to answer the question.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 9:34:00 AM,
Green Ogre said…
1) Because some idiot is calling you? And yes, I can safely surmise the caller is an idiot because only an idiot would bother to call you.
2) Because I am an idiot.
3) Because you're the idiot driving it. Mercedes doesn't mean unbreakable. I think it's some girl's name.
4) Because there are more people driving a Mercedes than dinosaurs remains left. I think more dinosaurs should have died.
Should I fling myself into some bog so that I can become fuel 5 million years later?
I'm just having a bad day.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 9:42:00 AM,
Saroette said…
u just hv an "intellectually chanllenged" face too lor. haha
but think he just look at u coz... u r there.. or maybe.. like wat u did suggest in ur blog... maybe ur boss do hv some erm... extra 'feel' for u? hahahahaha
At Monday, July 17, 2006 9:57:00 AM,
Thiang! said…
Err, why don't I understand anything at all?
At Monday, July 17, 2006 10:02:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
u tink too much laa!! haha.. sumtyms i oso tink too much lyk ppl dun lyk me or wad.. muz hav confidence in urself!!
At Monday, July 17, 2006 10:43:00 AM,
Zhe Bin said…
Ask you questions means you got a job. Haha. Next time he may think of harder questions to ask if he finds you becoming cleverer lor, I suppose. Hahaha.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 10:46:00 AM,
pj said…
ok what.. @ least he's not asking u to be his boyfriend.
altho i'd be a bit disgusted if u were calling him while he's tinkling in the toilet...
At Monday, July 17, 2006 12:15:00 PM,
The Fig Fairy said…
Maybe these are secret question that holds the key to your next pay raise/promotion? If you can answer those questions intelligently without insulting your boss, he may see u fit to be his right-hand man?
At Monday, July 17, 2006 3:01:00 PM,
dave said…
hah maybe he finds you gorgeously intellectual
At Monday, July 17, 2006 8:12:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Maybe it's because you are always seen carefree and crackin jokes to make others laugh. So he probably took it for granted you won't be pissed/disturbed when he directs his anger at you? Allow him to see the other side of you.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 8:46:00 PM,
pari said…
Hmmmm.... go here.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 8:47:00 PM,
pari said…
Oops, apologies. Here is the correct link.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 8:53:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'll get it right this time. here
At Monday, July 17, 2006 8:56:00 PM,
pari said…
I'll get it right this time. clicky click!
That spamming should make up for the lack of comments from me over the last couple of days.
At Monday, July 17, 2006 9:10:00 PM,
antisocialfreak said…
Think he's feeling frustrated and u just happen to be ard... don't think too much, my boss does the same thing to me also :(
At Monday, July 17, 2006 10:38:00 PM,
dex.8.1 said…
sounds a lot like my dazes in the army. actually, it is 100% resemblance! those fxxking "hare-brained rhetorical" orders. ArgggHHHH. SBS, fired him! :O *lolz*
At Monday, July 17, 2006 11:58:00 PM,
Beth said…
Case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time?
I guess u have developed a knack for this?
Just like Office Bimbo passing by when u r hugging Nerd, you are always ard whenever your boss run into fixes...
I think ur luck is darn bad n suay...
At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:10:00 AM,
Sibeh Sian said…
Ollie: I have a nasty feeling he will put me right up there in the 'right-sizing' priority list if I do that. Dun sabo leh!
Sunflower: Aiyah, how would I know he was peeing that time? 真是好心没好报!
Rational Neurotic: Maybe he is right. Ok, I shall quit tomorrow and become a full time investment guru instead. Will you be my first client please? Free tip: Tiger Woods will win the Grand Prix next year.
Eileen: I think I do. Please excuse me while I go cry into my 27 yr-old pillow :(
LemonCloud: He looks like he expects an answer leh! And he looked even more pissed when I reply, "Eh, I don't know why leh."
Green Ogre: Hope you will have a better tomorrow. But not that kind of Chow Yun Fatt version. Haha, I am so lame.
Saroette: CHOY CHOY!!!!
At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:11:00 AM,
Sibeh Sian said…
Saltpop: I don't understand it too!
Jac: I tink confidence oso dun lyk mi leh :(
Zhe Bin: Wah. Then I better act dumb. Haha.
PJ: Come to think of it, I wonder if he was mid stream when he answered. Haha.
LMG: I is not Ah Beng :D!
Twinkles: Damn, if that's the criteria, I'll never become the right-hand man sia.
Spinnee: He is bigger size than me leh :(!
Dave: 50 cents say otherwise!
At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 12:11:00 AM,
Sibeh Sian said…
PlatformShoes: Aha, you have quite an acquired taste for men :)
Miss Nonsenze: Ok. I'll go dressed in a Teletubbies suit tomorrow or something.
Alien73: Why you want me to show him my backside?!??!!?!
Pari: Ok. I just hope I'll not get caught for peeing on his desk!
ASF: *Tears* A fellow sufferer :)!
Freakler: Heh. Come to think of it, he does reminds me of my old CSM. Haha.
Beth: I shall rename myself to Sibeh Suay.
At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 1:32:00 AM,
Adrenaline said…
It's your face lah. Why else would we blame everything on u when we hang out??
I mean, it's your fault if we can't decide where to eat. It's also your fault if we have to go home earlier than 2am. It's your fault that Yang is irritating. It's so your fault too when we want to beat u up.
So confirm, it's your face right?
At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 7:39:00 AM,
Jaschocolate said…
I think your Boss likes you :p
At Tuesday, July 18, 2006 8:07:00 PM,
Sibeh Sian said…
Adrenaline: We all can't decide what to eat because I offered too many wonderful suggestions; we all have to go home earlier than 2am because my mother say it's good to go home early; and Yang is irritating because, eh, he is irritating. Haha.
JasChoc: Then he shows his 'liking' in a very, very mysterious way. Heh.
LMG: Yup, he is one of our poly friends! He is very hamsen, but not as hamsen as me. Haha.
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