The Misadventures of Sibeh Sian

You can call me Sian. Sibeh Sian.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The long and short about The Better Mother


After relentless badgering from Nerd and Office Bimbo, I finally signed up for a Facebook account.

I’m beginning to think that was not a very wise decision after finding what my limited circle of friends think of me:

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I am very, very disturbed.

With Love,
Sibeh Sian

I was reading Beth’s comment about the ‘better mother’ thingy happening because I wrongly chose ‘female’ as my gender, and I thought to myself: Haha, there’s no way I am so stupid :D!

Then I checked my Facebook account and discovered that I have indeed changed my sex unknowingly :(

Anyway, just in case you guys are interested, I also got a vote for ‘Most Desired To Get Into Bed With’. The problem is so far I only have Nerd and Office Bimbo in my friend’s list. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it’s Bimbo who cast me that vote.


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