
The Misadventures of Sibeh Sian

You can call me Sian. Sibeh Sian.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The long and short about The House Visit

That Ms Tan is truly a world class malingerer. It’s been a whole week since the marathon, but that woman is still on MC due to heat exhaustion. If you ask me, I think she’s just trying to utilize her annual entitlement of medical leave, heh.

Anyway, being the very obedient subordinate that I am, I followed my Boss’ instructions and went to spy on her pay her a house visit. Knowing what kind of person she is, I was seriously apprehensive about the trip because she might serve me poisoned tea. I thus reminded myself not to accept any drinks or cookies (unless she happens to offer me potato chips, which I can’t resist).

I was mentally prepared for all sorts of hostility, and was thus woefully unprepared for what was waiting for me at her place: Her very, very friendly parents.

I have no idea why but Uncle and Auntie was very hospitable to me the moment I stepped into their place till I left. I think they are very extroverted people because if I were them, I would probably just shut myself in my room when my kid’s colleague come for house visits, which was exactly what Ms Tan did.

Although they were very nice folks, their friendliness started to spook me a little when they started asking some very personal questions, such as my dialect group, the composition of my immediate family, and whether if I like babies. Her mum even made me stay for the Hainanese chicken rice that she prepared, which tasted a lot like the ones they sell in kopitiams. I told Auntie her rice was very nice and she was very happy :)

She even told me to come for dinner often since I live nearby, which I politely declined because I am a good boy who do not like to take advantage of people’s hospitality. But since she’s preparing chicken soup, which I absolutely love, I find myself saying ‘ok’ to tomorrow night’s dinner.

So in conclusion, this house visit thingy is really quite a good deal, because I get to go off from work slightly earlier and get a free dinner too. I think I shall bring Nerd with me tomorrow sia :)

With Love,
Sibeh Sian


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