
The Misadventures of Sibeh Sian

You can call me Sian. Sibeh Sian.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The long and short about Finicky Feline

I am so sibeh sian. One of my favorite bloggers of all time have decided that she does not want to blog anymore :(

Like many, many others, I have faithfully followed the writings of the dear Finicky Feline since a few decades back. I have no idea why but for someone who also lacks a sex life, her life seems so much more interesting than mine. Oh well. My heart is so painful now, I have decided to pen an epic poem to commemorate one of the greatest bloggers of all time:

I Will Miss You, Finicky Feline!

“Oh Finicky Feline, oh Finicky Feline!
I will miss you and your writings, so very, very much!
Your words were so funny, your nickname is so kinky.
Oh Finicky Feline, I will miss you so very, very much!”

-Sibeh Sian
Winter, 2008

With Love,
Sibeh Sian


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