The long and short about The Most Useful Entry I’ve Written So Far
This entry is dedicated to the struggling office worker, who instead of lunching at Lawry's, suffers with the maddening lunch crowd at the humble food court.
Five Simple Steps in Getting The Most Out of The Chinese Cooked Food Stall
Step #01:
Smile at the auntie.
Step #02:
Do not call the auntie ‘auntie’. Call her ‘xiao jie’.
Step #03:
Always order fixed sized items, such as chicken drumsticks, last. The rationale for this is very simple. If you order fixed sized items first, you will end up with a smaller portion of other dishes as a significant percentage of the plate’s surface area is taken up by the drumstick already.
Step #04:
Never give the exact amount when paying. Example: if your lunch cost $2.10, give the auntie $3 and ask for change. If you are lucky, the auntie will be short on coins and just charge you $2 instead.
Step #05:
Thank the
In a moment of kindness, I imparted the above tactics to Office Bimbo. She reciprocated by saying, “You are destined to be single for the rest of your life.”
It doesn’t pay to be kind :(
With Love,
Sibeh Sian
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1:25:00 PM,
Zhe Bin said…
Hahahahahahaha! Nb.
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 1:28:00 PM,
Sunflower said…
Ha Ha Ha.... piang so lame!
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:11:00 PM,
eileen` said…
can i add in another step?
- get a cute face like mine.
then the uncles will always flirt with you and charge you $2 for a $2.30 lunch.
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 2:54:00 PM,
Adrenaline said…
isn't this what our econs lecturer taught us?! hahah .... but i usually can't finish my food, so i wouldn't want bigger portions.
And i agree with Office bimbo.
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 4:22:00 PM,
Winter_Cherrie said…
wonderful suggestion...but most "xiaojie" will shout at the coffee shop uncle for coins..they wont be so dumb.haha
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 5:29:00 PM,
Sibeh Sian said…
Zhe Bin: Simi si Nb?
Sunflower: It really works! You must try it to believe it. Serious!
Eileen: Sounds like a plan. Please advise where can I get the said cute face. Heh.
Adrenaline: You is evil.
WinterC: Aha! The trick is to say 'xiao jie' really, really sweetly.
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 6:30:00 PM,
eileen` said…
hmm. that will be apparently quite hard, unless of course, you are born with good genes like mine.
well, you can always consider zhng-ing. but not worth it lah, for that mere 30 cents. i
know! watch more cyndi wang videos. learn to act cute.
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 10:46:00 PM,
nadnut said…
el cheapo!
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 11:36:00 PM,
Zhe Bin said…
Nb is something nice to eat. Next time can go order from your Xiao Jie. Anyway, I was Nb-ing at your Lin Ching Hsia lah LOL. I don't portray her as 美若天仙 but rather 东方不败-ish. Why not you say, "Xiao Jie, if I am Fei Yu Qing I will definitely sian you." Surely she will high.
At Tuesday, June 20, 2006 11:51:00 PM,
Adrenaline said…
LOL at zhebin's comment.
u shd totally take binny's advise. Sure will make the xiao jie very shiok.
At Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:41:00 AM,
Sunflower said…
so does it works on you?
lolz at zhe bin's comment too, maybe you order NB, it works even beta?!?!?!?!? And I am serious too
At Wednesday, June 21, 2006 12:45:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
You must have charmed the socks off many stall-aunties. I'm guessin they probably respond to your flirtatious banter by laughin and sayin,' Aiyo, xiao didi bu ke qi!'
At Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:44:00 AM,
Sunflower said…
*wink* *wink* at sian - i used your blog to ask a question.
lor mai gai - when you start writing?
At Wednesday, June 21, 2006 10:19:00 AM,
Green Ogre said…
Hmmm, you are almost takings these mundane things and elevating them to an art form. I like you enough to consider buying you nasi padang. :P
And screw Office Bimbo lah, The small pleasures of life are often under-rated.
At Wednesday, June 21, 2006 11:17:00 AM,
Sibeh Sian said…
Eileen: Cyndi Wang! Yucks! I shudder everytime they show her MTV on TV. She too skinny can? Haha....
Spongy: Indeed, I am very popular with aunties. Heh.
Nadnut: If you must know, not only am I El Cheapo, I am El Desperado too. Heh.
Zhe Bin: Nice idea. In fact, if I am Fei Yu Qing, then I will be 'sianed' by the aunties instead.
Adrenaline + Sunflower: Riiigggghhhhttt.
Aileen: How you know one??!?! Haha.... Oh, and they call me 'xiao di' :)
LMG: I will be very, very sian if what you say really happen.
Green Ogre: Can don't want nasi padang? I don't take spicy stuff. Heh.
At Friday, June 23, 2006 5:37:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Step 4 is good!! will try to use it next time.. keke
At Tuesday, January 15, 2008 12:11:00 AM,
(T) (H) (B) said…
Smile and I get $0.50 off my lunch.
Show my B cups, I'll get my lunch FREE..
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