The long and short about Hard Work Usually Goes Unappreciated
It is only February, but my workload is getting heavier and heavier. I worked till 9:30pm last night, and here I am, back in the office again. I need a life!
But maybe I shouldn’t complain so much because it has not been an easy time for some of my other colleagues too. When I was waiting for the bus home, I saw my Boss zooming back to the office in his big ass Mercedes, with Sexy New Colleague beside him. I thought they saw me waving, but they must have been in a hurry because they just drove passed me hurriedly. The poor things, they are working even harder than I did! I thought about going back to help them in the office, but decided not to because I was really tired already.
That’s why I say life is unfair! I work so hard, but Ms Tan never has a good word to say about me. My Boss and Sexy New Colleague work so hard too, but all they get is nasty rumors that they are having an affair. It saddens me to know how malicious my colleagues can be at times. Maybe I should quash the rumors by telling them about how my Boss and Sexy New Colleague have been working late at night in the office while the rest are resting their lazy ass in front of the TV.
If only everyone can see the real picture like me!
With Love,
Sibeh “Lorenzo” Sian
At Friday, February 02, 2007 10:46:00 AM,
Jj said…
so "hardworking" wor, your hong gan boss and sexy new colleague. ;D
At Friday, February 02, 2007 10:54:00 AM,
Cindy said…
Be sure to do that! Must let everyone know just how hardworking they are! I'm sure your boss and SNC will appreciate it!
At Friday, February 02, 2007 11:00:00 AM,
Sunflower said…
I start to realised tat you really grossip like woman!
At Friday, February 02, 2007 11:13:00 AM,
Christel said…
Don't start anything pls...
At Friday, February 02, 2007 11:26:00 AM,
eneres said…
DAMN! you are always so "good" at leading / misleading ppl to read between the lines... hehe... they had fantabulous time in the office even thou are working as hard as you (or mayb even harder?) but not so fantabulous for ya case huh! haha..
At Friday, February 02, 2007 12:09:00 PM,
tstar said…
haha, they are very busy indeed, very busy screwing each other. you should have just popped upstairs "accidentally".
At Friday, February 02, 2007 12:09:00 PM,
tstar said…
haha, they are very busy indeed, very busy screwing each other. you should have just popped upstairs "accidentally".
At Saturday, February 03, 2007 12:59:00 AM,
Ignorant one said…
i think sibei lorenzo sian, you really sibei innocent.
I thought i innocent enough leh. but you even better. maybe you should prove all of us evil thinkers(who don see the pic as you) by filming down with a camera what they did... :D
At Saturday, February 03, 2007 6:45:00 AM,
Green Ogre said…
Like I would say, your boss "sibeh gao piah"...
At Saturday, February 03, 2007 8:40:00 PM,
Ignorant one said…
quick!! work harder! i really wanna know what Ms Tan would give you as reward. But not KFC la, something special!! :D
At Sunday, February 04, 2007 6:56:00 PM,
:: !ping :: said…
soon you will c that SNC is promoted for working so hard, and u will still be under ms tan. perhaps u should start working as hard as SNC with the boss =D
At Monday, February 05, 2007 10:32:00 AM,
Winter_Cherrie said…
wow...i can see that you are working so hard, cause you have not been blogging!
Any plan for valentine? are you gonna ask the new lady out? hehe
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