The long and short about The Honest Man of Action
After struggling with my conscience over the weekend, I have finally made a decision to heed Grace’s advice: I am going to tell my colleagues how wrong they are about my Boss and Sexy New Colleague.
It was not an easy decision because it takes courage to speak out, but I know I have to do something because it is really not fair for the office gossips to speak behind their backs, when they have been working so hard for the company. I hope they will finally understand that they are misunderstanding the situation after they read my post at Happy Office Boy.
It feels good to be a Man of Action :)!
With Love,
Sibeh “Lorenzo” Sian
At Monday, February 05, 2007 12:11:00 PM,
aLL tHiNgS pReTtY said…
You are one brave boy oops! I mean man.
At Monday, February 05, 2007 12:29:00 PM,
aphrodite said…
i...see...your job going down the drain this very moment.
At Monday, February 05, 2007 1:34:00 PM,
Cindy said…
You realise that OB reads that blog, right? And your other colleagues as well? You. Are. So. Dead.
At Monday, February 05, 2007 2:00:00 PM,
eneres said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
At Monday, February 05, 2007 4:01:00 PM,
dave said…
hahahah you're too kind to help clear their names. that's da'bravery man
At Monday, February 05, 2007 4:06:00 PM,
Christel said…
Boh tai jee chuay tai jee...
At Monday, February 05, 2007 4:11:00 PM,
Sunflower said…
you hong gan liao
At Monday, February 05, 2007 11:07:00 PM,
tstar said…
Die. Die!!!
At Tuesday, February 06, 2007 10:38:00 AM,
Jj said…
keep it up! (:
At Tuesday, February 06, 2007 1:40:00 PM,
Adrenaline said…
haha ... u hong gan liao.
At Tuesday, February 06, 2007 2:13:00 PM,
Old Beng said…
Quickly send your resume to the Employment agency, you are doomed
At Tuesday, February 06, 2007 7:10:00 PM,
eileen` said…
rendezvous in the office!
i think some things you ought to keep to yourself. =)
At Wednesday, February 07, 2007 10:28:00 AM,
Sibeh Sian said…
To All: I am in very deep shit indeed. I was just trying to be helpful :(! More details next time.
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